Diamond State of Mind

Diamond State of Mind

The Thomas Academy is pleased to be partnering with Shae McNamara with the introduction of his exclusive Leadership Program to empower athletes to perform their best under pressure.

Inspired by his own experiences, Mr. McNamara created this program to offer students of the Thomas Academy the help, which in hindsight he wished he’d had in his youth. Blessed to have a body naturally able to perform, his father told him it was a choice to honor his abilities through his work ethic, which motivated him to reach his full athletic potential.

Throughout his journey, Shae has noticed that people weren’t handling pressure appropriately and in turn, giving up on their goals. He wanted to meet that need to help others succeed by creating a program for self-development and upholding self-worth.

This program works to develop players through “facilitat(ing) a crucial conversation constructively, so that both sides not only hear each other’s perspective but…honor it for what it is, so that they can collaborate their beliefs as a product unit, for the betterment of themselves and the team.”

This program is committed to helping people be aware of all areas that affect performance, what is going on in their lives, and bring clarity to decision making that will help them become the best from a place of love and accountability. It’s about taking an individual from where they are right now and tapping into their full potential by helping them decide where they want to go and what strategies they need to fulfill those desires.

Shae McNamara tells us, “I can not only help individuals break free from their insecurities of the future, but also their paralysis of pain from the past. Along with the proper perspective that will enable them to see every experience as an opportunity to learn, develop and grow from, this will all lead them to be more aligned to their authentic self and free them up from the subjective pressures that they resonate in.”

This program helps players get to a place of knowing who they are, where they’re at and why it’s essential to move forward. If a person wants to enhance and honestly understand themselves, you can then move forward. What is prohibiting them from being more consistent? This program seeks those answers to help develop stronger, more cohesive teams.

What makes this leadership program so unique is that Shae has created content that is simple and easy for people to understand, face their insecurities, and decide to realign.

In a self-driven culture, the question is, are you willing to give 100% of your full potential? Or are you full of fear? You might lose every game, but did you hold yourself back? If not, there is no place for regret. If you’re feeling bad, will you choose to do the work or to submit to failure? What do you need more for you and your journey?

It’s about being in a place of self-pride; Knowing what you need to do every day and be satisfied even if you don’t reach the desired short-term goal, and finding comfort that you did your best every day. Lead yourself in the right direction and learn what makes you uniquely you.

Society says get tougher; suck it up-they don’t show compassion and empathy for individuals. Often people know the answer to the change they need but aren’t able to take the next step to do the work. Is being the best version of your worth it? Simple questions asked in this program create simple answers to maximize results.

Every day you are on your path to brilliance. Are you aligned with whom you declared to be? The Thomas Academy hopes that their players are aligned with the help of this Leadership Program.

Unleash the fire within.
Be authentically you.
Don’t hold back.
Believe in yourself.

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