Expedited college credit

Expedited college credit

A college education should not be compromised because time is not on your side. With the cost of tuition, many students are looking for alternative options to cut costs where they can. Thomas Academy offers a program called Expedited College Credit (ECC) that covers introductory level college courses, saving you hours of class time and thousands of dollars in tuition costs.

Our ECC program was established to demonstrate a students initial mastery of college material, while allowing them to earn college credit to go towards their degree. With regular checkpoints to measure progress documented in our online performance management system, students and parents alike can monitor progress in real time . The data generated is then used to provide supplemented instruction by certified tutors.

The ECC program was designed to cover the material taught in corresponding college courses in a shorter amount of time. Students who choose the Expedited College Credit Program are more likely to have better academic outcomes and to complete their degree. If you’re looking to shorten your degree time and save a significant amount in tuition costs, then this program may be right for you. Thomas Academy wants their students to have options in completing their degree. By recognizing every student has a unique background and situation, we want to provide students who need a different window of opportunity, to feel empowered to pursue a degree.

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